
Human Excellence

Real Money with Vincent Polisi

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I understand that knowledge is power and I don’t mind paying to receive information that will ultimately lead to self-improvement or increase my bank account. I consider education as an investment in myself and ROI is priceless. In information age, because there is such a large amount of garbage mixed in with useful information it can be difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff. To overcome this obstacle especially involving a novel field of study you must expose yourself to as much information as you can and implement a strategy to sift through as your knowledge base increases. When I decided that real estate investing was going to be my vehicle to success I put all of my other studies on hold and focused one hundred percent of my efforts on reaching my goal. I read every book and listened to every podcast that I could find. On my quest, I happened to find a podcast from Joe McCall that featured Vincent Polisi. Vincent was discussing strategies that were very different from the yellow letters and bandit signs that all the other so called gurus were marketing. He stressed the importance of focusing on learning how to close which most teachers usually mention but never really go into detail about. He discussed how imperative it actually is in the process. In order to simplify the complex, one must be very well versed and that was the impression I received from Vincent. Usually when conducting a podcast the agenda of the presenter is to provide listeners with a small amount of information to spark interest so the presenter can then sell the more detailed information somewhere later down the line. I was astonished to discover that Vincent Polisi was different; he never tried to sell anything in the podcast. I immediately went to the internet to try to find out more about Vincent and eventually found the VREIA group on Facebook.
I had previously joined many other groups on Facebook in an effort to learn and network in the industry but I was surprised to discover that most groups don’t provide useful content. They are usually inundated with spam and the members don’t interact unless they are trying to sell a deal. No one is authentically trying to help anyone else unless it is for profit. I quickly found out that Vincent Polisi’s Virtual Real Estate Investor group was different. If a question is asked in the VREIA group either Vincent himself or another experienced investor is there to quickly bring correct understanding and spam is not tolerated.
The Virtual Estate Investment forum provides members of any experience level with a system that they can immediately put into action. The money making strategies that Vincent Polisi teaches for free are much more effective and valuable than anything the gurus are trying to sell. Vincent teaches members how to make money with just a phone and a laptop and he provides continued support and motivation to help change people’s finances for the long term. Mr. Polisi is the kind of teacher who won’t accept excuses, he will hold you accountable to what you say because he understands what it takes to become successful. He is completely transparent and non-ambiguous with his thoughts and opinions so you will always know where he stands in regards to a topic–like it or not. In the politically correct society we live in today where people are afraid to tell the truth because it might hurt someone else’s feelings I find Vincent’s approach very refreshing and effective. In just the few weeks that I have been a member of the group my knowledge and abilities have increased exponentially. I have acquired knowledge that extends well past the field of real estate investing that has ultimately increased my quality of life. Mr. Polisi shows members that the line between mediocrity and success is very thin and with the proper efforts and focus any goal can be realized. I am eager to continue learning and helping those who are with me on this amazing journey.

Be sure to check out the extremely informative and educational article Vincent Polisi wrote on “Why Tax Refunds Are For The Financially Uneducated.

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